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SMPS Headquarters
625 North Washington Street
Suite 302
Alexandria, VA

CEO’s Message
Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen
Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen

About the CEO
Michael V. Geary, CAE
Michael V. Geary, CAE is chief executive officer of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) and the SMPS Foundation.
Contact Michael at at 703.549.6117, x221, or
Growing up, one of the greatest things on TV was the sitcom M*A*S*H. And hands down, the ultimate episode had to be the grand finale, “Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen.” If you’re not familiar, it’s about doctors and crew stationed in South Korea during the Korean War. The concluding episode had numerous storylines, but the primary narrative was it’s time for the main characters to move on.
After tear-filled goodbyes, they go their separate ways, leading to the final scene of the series in which the protagonist Hawkeye Pierce is flown away by helicopter. When he looks down at the camp, the camera reveals the word GOODBYE spelled out in rocks. Cue the credits. Like millions of other people that watched the episode, tears welled up in my eyes. This wasn’t just about wrapping up the show; it was about saying goodbye to characters we’d come to love. That’s how I’m feeling about leaving SMPS, as the credits start to roll on my time here.
After nearly nine awesome years as your CEO, I’m moving on. It’s time for me to say goodbye, and the tears are making a comeback. I’ve been totally invested in SMPS and its main characters, our members. It’s going to be hard not seeing you regularly, but I’m grateful for all the adventures we’ve had together. We’ve turned SMPS into something impactful.
There’s a special group of members that are especially dedicated by stepping up to be volunteers. From committee and task force members to chapter boards of directors, conference leaders, Foundation trustees, and the SMPS boards of directors over the years, it’s been a pleasure working with you in serving our members. You all are MVPs. Thank you for your commitment and determination.

About the CEO
Michael V. Geary, CAE
Michael V. Geary, CAE is chief executive officer of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) and the SMPS Foundation.
Contact MIchael at 703.549.6117, x221, or
Volunteering for leadership positions is not for the faint of heart. You can never please everyone but if you focus on the big picture, you can overcome any obstacle. I’ve worked with amazing organizational presidents who turned challenges into opportunities and were faithful to our mission and vision. These amazing people include Andrea, Barbara, Bernice, Brad, Carolyn, Chris, Craig, Dana, Donna, Doug, Holly, Janet, Melissa, Nancy, and Paula. We laughed, we learned, and we succeeded together. Thank you for your partnership and support.
SMPS is also fortunate to have an amazingly talented professional staff that run the shop day after day. My immediate team of Antonio, Marci, and Tina have been great partners as we worked to propel SMPS forward into new heights and to amplify our members and the A/E/C industry (see what I did there?). But we didn’t work alone as our other current team members of Christine, Devin, Kai, Kevin, Linda, Matthew, Molly, Nandi, and Natalie are also part of the success. I cannot thank them enough for their trust in me and the friendships we’ve developed. I’ve always said SMPS is not a “marketing” organization—it’s an organization of people and we have some of the best professionals and volunteers serving our members.
Together, the staff and volunteers achieved a lot over the years. Accomplishments include introducing new programs such as The Pinnacle Experience and AEC.AI conferences, commencing DEI-related initiatives, modernizing the SMPS brand, transforming and rebranding the annual conference to Amplify A|E|C, publishing the MARKENDIUM® books, achieving record fundraising for the SMPS Foundation, attaining the highest membership count, and expanding the organization beyond marketing and business development to become the Center for A/E/C Business Growth.

“Change is not a threat,
it’s an opportunity.
Survival is not the goal,
transformative success is.”
“Change is not a threat,
it’s an opportunity.
Survival is not the goal,
transformative success is.”

That’s a lot and there’s more to come. Noted marketing guru Seth Godin once said, “Change is not a threat, it’s an opportunity. Survival is not the goal, transformative success is.” So, here’s to SMPS embracing change and continuing to transform in the future. I’m excited for SMPS and for my future as well.
And just like the M*A*S*H show, I hope there will be many reunions in our future. Goodbye, Farewell, and Amen.