About the CEO
Michael V. Geary, CAE
Michael V. Geary, CAE is chief executive officer of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) and the SMPS Foundation.
Contact MIchael at 703.549.6117, x221, or michael@smps.org
CEO’s Message
Year 51 Starts Today

About the CEO
Michael V. Geary, CAE
Michael V. Geary, CAE is chief executive officer of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) and the SMPS Foundation.
Contact Michael at at 703.549.6117, x221, or michael@smps.org
Since our beginning, the SMPS community has tackled all sorts of challenges, including developing the actual occupation of professional services marketing. What started as a group for “bird doggers” (now known as business development professionals) has evolved into multifaceted jobs and responsibilities that help firms and people to grow. We’ve gone beyond “marketing” to where today members are facilitating strategic planning, leading staff recruitment and retention efforts, influencing business decisions, and much more. In this context, SMPS recently hosted the 7th edition of The Pinnacle Experience, and the event, unofficially, was a kickoff to our 51st year.
During the conference, attendees were asked to identify issues currently affecting the A/E/C industries today and into the future. As you can imagine, a combined industry as large as A/E/C has numerous and tremendous challenges, and the attendees were tasked with developing potential solutions and strategies to address those problems. Divided into teams, the attendees tackled issues like staffing shortages, DEI concerns, and how technology will advance our industry. In this issue, you’ll learn more about these projects, including: “Electrification: Unanticipated Impacts and Opportunities,” “Grow, 4 Steps to Change Resistance Recovery,” and “The Era of the Employer is Over.”
The conference was also a chance to officially launch our new holiday, “A/E/C Growth Professionals Day.” As the Center for A/E/C Business Growth, the mission of SMPS is to connect, empower, and inspire professionals toward lifelong learning and to champion business evolution in the A/E/C industries. As an organization and community of professionals who secure projects and foster growth, we believe in recognizing those who have shown an unwavering commitment to advancing our industries and driving sustained progress. January 8th will annually be our day to celebrate what our members do every day.
These activities at The Pinnacle Experience illustrate how SMPS has grown and diversified its offerings for our members and the industry. 50 years ago, companies were prohibited from doing simple things like basic advertising in the Yellow Pages, and today, we’re thinking about how artificial intelligence is going to impact the industry and related careers. A lot has changed since our five founders first met in the parking lot at an AIA conference.
This past year has been a fun and rewarding celebration of the golden anniversary. Personally, I’ve enjoyed connecting with our earliest members, organizing the celebrations, and preparing the various presentations to showcase the organization and history. I sincerely thank our 50th Anniversary Committee and chairs (Carla Thompson, FSMPS, CPSM and Mitch Levitt, FSMPS) the boards of directors over two fiscal years, and our amazing staff for the inspiration and contributions. There’s a lot to celebrate and much more to come!

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Suite 302
Alexandria, VA