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SMPS Headquarters
625 North Washington Street
Suite 302
Alexandria, VA

Janet Lively McCauley, CPSM
SMPS Foundation President

Kathryn Ness, CPSM
SMPS Foundation Trustee

Chuck Raymond, CPSM
SMPS Foundation Trustee

SMPS Foundation Treasurer
SMPS Foundation update
What’s in Store for 2024?

Janet Lively McCauley, CPSM
SMPS Foundation President

Kathryn Ness, CPSM
SMPS Foundation Trustee

Chuck Raymond, CPSM
SMPS Foundation Trustee

SMPS Foundation Treasurer
Happy New Year, everybody, and best wishes from the SMPS Foundation trustees for the upcoming year! We want to briefly fill you in on some of the SMPS Foundation’s initiatives.
First and most importantly, we will be embarking on an effort to focus on our most important aspect, which is you, our donors. Without our donors – large or small, individual or corporate – we simply would not be able to conduct research, sponsor education like the AEC.AI session, or continue to make impactful DEI initiatives to enhance A/E/C marketing and business development.
As the program year progresses, we’ll send information about some of our scholarship winners through our relationships with UNCF and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). Through the generous contribution of SMPS Member #1, Andy Zinsmeyer, his family, and others, the foundation has defrayed some educational costs each year for several deserving young HBCU students who are on an A/E/C career path. Our desire is that these efforts result in our member firms recruiting and hiring these graduates, closing that circle, and setting these wonderful and eager graduates on a rewarding and lifelong career in A/E/C marketing and business development.
We’re confident that you’ll be inspired to join us and others in supporting this Foundation initiative.
“The generous support of the SMPS Foundation and UNCF will greatly assist me in achieving my academic and career goals. I am honored to have been selected for this award, and I will do my best to make the most of this opportunity.”
— Anderson Atabongakeng

When it comes to the foundation’s core mandate - Research with a capital “R” - we are pleased to announce the foundation is collaborating with SMPS Fellow and former SMPS Foundation Trustee Scott Butcher, FSMPS, CPSM, Director of Strategic Growth Advisory at Stambaugh Ness, to bring you version 3.0 of the popular “Sell Do Win” publication with new research and fresh perspectives and outlooks for our industries. Our goal is to make 3.0 available by summer 2024. Other research projects will be shared as the year progresses.
It can’t be overstated that we cannot accomplish any of this without our members’ financial support and annual commitment.
“I appreciate the generosity of the SMPS Foundation and UNCF for this generosity and passion for financially paving the way for students such as me to further our education. The SMPS Foundation Zinsmeyer Scholarship will allow me to enjoy my college experience and focus on my education without worrying about money.”
— Lemaria Benson-Stevens
At this “End of Year Giving” time, we invite and encourage all of you who can to donate to the foundation. We accept and are grateful for any donation amount you can afford, which can include multi-year commitments. Where possible, we’d also ask you to consider persuading your employer to either match your gift or make a more sizeable contribution separate from yours.
Think back on your career journey, all the dips and twists it may have taken, and the quiet, behind-the-scenes role that the foundation and the Society have played in your growth and success. Think about the tools, the friendships, the promotions, much of which can be tied to your involvement in SMPS and the steady efforts of the foundation. How much has that been worth to you? We’ve even made donating easy – just visit the SMPS website at
And we always want to hear from you. How can we make the SMPS Foundation better? How can we continue to meet your needs as a professional services marketer or business developer? What do you need to know that you can’t find anywhere else the foundation can help with?
“I want to thank the SMPS Foundation and UNCF so much for this award! I am extremely grateful for your generosity, and delighted to know that you all believe in my potential to succeed during and after college.”
— Christén Monica Davis

Janet Lively McCauley, CPSM is the 2023-2024 SMPS Foundation President and the Vice President Business Development, Healthcare at ERDMAN.
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Kathryn Ness, CPSM is a 2023-2024 SMPS Foundation Trustee and a partner at GO Strategies.
Connect with Kathryn on

Chuck Raymond, CPSM is a 2023-2024 SMPS Foundation Trustee and the Publications and Press Manager for Weston & Sampson.
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Joy Woo, FSMPS, CPSM, LEED AP is a 2023-2024 SMPS Foundation Trustee and Treasurer. Joy is the Senior Director at the Urban Land Institute, San Francisco District.
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