
SMPS Connections

Capturing Each Other's Hearts and Respect. From acquaintances to admirers: Jack B. Evans, PE, and Julie Luers Evans, FSMPS
Within the SMPS community, it's not often that we discover members who are related, married, or are business partners. But when we do, we love talking to them. Some have met at SMPS events and captured each other's respect and hearts. Others have a parent in the profession and have followed in their footsteps. Recently, SMPS HQ had a chance to chat with our members to learn more about them and the role they've played in each other's lives and careers. First, in our SMPS Connections series, we share Jack and Julie's story.
Please briefly tell us about your career and your current role.
Jack: I started my professional career with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. My first position was in defense contracting, and later, I worked with Amtrak in the Washington, D.C. area. In 1978, Texas Instruments hired me as a facilities engineer. In 1981, I joined a Dallas acoustical consulting firm, and shortly after that, I started a branch office for the firm in Austin. In late 1986, I started my own firm, Jack Evans & Associates, Inc., dba JEAcoustics (JEA), providing acoustical, noise, and vibration (ANV) consultation. After 36 years of successful operation, EEA Consulting Engineers acquired JEA in September 2022, where I am director of ANV Engineering, perhaps the last position in a 49-year career.
Julie: The track of my 30-year career in A/E/C marketing began as a proposal coordinator, and over the years touched all aspects of marketing and business development, culminating at a large A/E firm as vice president of marketing. Having studied English and art for three years at the college level, I was well-prepared for the entry-level position of proposal coordinator at Ellerbe Associates, Inc. (now part of AECOM). My interest in the strategic aspects of marketing motivated me to complete my Bachelor of Arts in marketing communications. I was fortunate to work with very large, sometimes called jumbo A/E firms, where I developed a national and international perspective. I retired in 2016 after 16 years at HGA Architects and Engineers.
We hear that you met through SMPS? Can you share a few more details?
Jack: When I started a branch office, I began attending the joint SMPS Austin-San Antonio meetings, and officially joined SMPS in April 1984. The SMPS conference in 1986 was in San Francisco, and it was at the conference venue, the Fairmont Hotel on Nob Hill, that I met Julie Luers for the first time. I was quite impressed with her. Julie: I do remember briefly meeting Jack in San Francisco, but we each have a slightly different recollection. He recalls meeting in the elevator lobby. I remember greeting each other on the escalator, mine going down, his going up. I found him interesting. I was impressed that he was such a gentleman.
So … what happened after you met in 1986? Can you share how your relationship developed?
Julie: We were acquaintances for 30+ years, seeing each other several times at SMPS HQ meetings and a couple of business meetings in Minneapolis and Austin. We lived 1,200 miles apart, and both had families, so a romantic relationship was not something we had ever considered. When we did see one another, we shared a mutual respect and admiration. When Jack switched his focus to regional SMPS meetings, we rarely saw one another but did communicate via email with each other occasionally. The Society's 50th Anniversary in 2023 was the catalyst for our reunion. Because I am an SMPS Fellow, Weld Coxe MAA recipient, and a past SMPS board president, this celebration was not to be missed. When I noticed that Jack was listed as a planning committee member, I reached out to inquire if there were events scheduled for past leadership. Since we were now a widow and a widower, and because we had always been good friends, it seemed reasonable to me that Jack would be interested in attending the social events together. A few months before the anniversary celebration, Jack and I had our first date in April 2023 while I was in Texas on spring break with my family. This was the beginning of our relationship that led to our engagement at an Eiffel Tower dinner in Paris in November 2023 and marriage in Minneapolis in May 2024.
What's the best advice you've received during your career?
Jack: Listen to others. Keep a relaxed mental attitude. Under promise and over-deliver. Incidentally, I followed that general plan between April 2023 and May 2024.
Julie: Mentors are important, but advocates are critical. Great talent and hard work are often, but not always recognized and appreciated. Opportunity and promotions can be more difficult without an advocate in your organization.
How are you different from each other, and how do those qualities benefit your relationship?
Jack: Julie and I are both extroverts. Otherwise, Julie is very organized and a non-stop worker. She keeps very physically fit with daily walks and gym workouts. I have always been spontaneous, opportunistic, and willing to take risks. My only exercise is riding my bicycle with friends on Saturdays. Since we both had full careers that included domestic and international travel, our differences help us find and realize great experiences when we travel together. Julie: Jack is free-flowing. He's willing to try almost anything, is intelligent, kind, generous, and refreshingly opinionated. These traits are a good balance to my pragmatic, "a place for everything and everything in its place" approach to life. We both love travel, good wine, and family. We respect our differences and embrace our similarities.
What advice would you give to an A/E/C marketer or business developer starting their career?
Jack: My early experience and SMPS marketing education in the '80s gave me the confidence to found and operate my own consulting firm. Learn about the marketing process but focus on verbal and other communications. Listen to others and try to gain an understanding of the vast array of personalities in the business world. Julie: Be open and prepared for continuous learning. Show your interest in leading and learn what it is to be a leader. Expand your professional network as deep and wide as possible. Respect everyone, positions above and below yours. Take advantage of all SMPS has to offer, as this is the best organization to give you the tools and experience to achieve your professional goals.
How do you handle differences of opinion?
We have yet to encounter significant differences but expect to discuss and resolve. Our careers gave us experience with considering and prioritizing issues. Stay tuned on that one. We both had 40+ year-long relationships with our late spouses, which gave us the experience to understand what works and what doesn't in dispute resolution.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Jack: Bicycle riding. Keeping up with politics and current events, traveling, learning about and experiencing good wines. Julie: Hiking, working out, traveling, hanging out with family. I'm getting better at cycling. Jack is reciprocating by hiking with me.
What three words would you use to describe each other?
Jack: Julie is lovely, caring, and interesting. Julie: Jack is intelligent, witty, and kind.
Do you have any final thoughts or advice on how to sustain a successful relationship, whether on a personal or business level?
Jack: Listen to the person that's important to you. Share your common and your disparate interests. Show up on time. Find some way, anyway, to tell the truth, and assume your mate does the same.
Julie: Never say never; respect and nurture relationships. You don't know where your next project or husband/wife could come from. Keep in touch with people with whom you share common interests and share mutual admiration.