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SMPS Headquarters
625 North Washington Street
Suite 302
Alexandria, VA
Presentation Title
Here to Erupt!
Group Name
The Volcanoes

List of Group Members
Allison Lynch, Associate Director of Strategy & Communications, Baskervill
Katherine Robinette, CPSM Partner, GO! Strategies, LLC
Emily Marino, CPSM, Director of Marketing, KPFF
Rhonda Cardone, Senior Associate, Marketing Director, NY, Dewberry
Paula Stamp, PhD, MBA, FSMPS, CPSM, Vice President, Economic Development, CLAYCO
The Volcanoes are “here to erupt” the talent gap of mid-level
Challenge Statement
Workforce talent gaps in the “missing middle” 7-15 year experience level across the A/E/C industries
The Volcanoes three-tiered approach shows options for tackling this issue from the individual to the industry-level view. They discussed issues including the processes for certification, length of advanced education programs, and the expanding tool set available to employees as firms adopt artificial intelligence to their workflows.
There are three actions that firms can take now to start addressing this issue. First, conduct a skills/gap analysis to see what skills you need and what skills you have in your firm. Second, expand tools available to your staff and provide training to ensure the adoption and proper use of these tools. Lastly, take a look at the roles and responsibilities of each role and determine if tasks should be delegated, redistributed, or moved to a new role entirely to reflect the true skillsets needed by mid-level employees.