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The Pinnacle Experience 2023
The Interview
Group: The Fab 6

Presentation Title
The Interview
Group Name
The Fab 6

List of Group Members (from l to r as shown in photo)
Emily Gallagher, Vice President, Marketing + Communications, Barton Malow
Clare Kelly, MS, CPSM, Principal Consultant, FUSE Marketing
Allie Zeman, Regional Marketing Director, Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Denise Leal, Marketing Manager, Adolfson & Peterson Construction
Dawn Wagenaar, Principal, Ingenuity Marketing Group
Lauren Acres, Regional Marketing Director, Adolfson & Peterson Construction
The Fab Group reenacted a job interview that depicted a humorous account of a young job candidate whose mother attends the interview and is more engaged than the potential employee. The dispassionate, young candidate asks for a slew of benefits outside the traditional corporate culture. The skit reflects the challenges of a multi-generational workforce that is learning how to communicate and understand each other’s motivations and work styles. The Fab Group used this example to highlight how to better prepare to conduct hiring interviews and how to prepare employees new to the working world, so they understand what’s expected of them.
Challenge Statement
Bridging the gap between expectations and performance of new hires, especially those new to the industry or just starting their careers.
The Fab Group addressed the lack of processes many firms have when it comes to training managers to be good interviewers and having effective onboarding programs that prepare new employees.
Before Interviewing a Candidate
- Begin recruiting at the high school and college level to educate students on A/E/C career paths and how firms conduct business
- Create a video of a “day in the life” of the particular position they are applying for to give candidates an understanding of the role before the interview
- Offer job shadowing prior to hiring, not just during onboarding so they see the work in the flow of a business day
- Skills testing
- A title that more accurately reflects responsibilities
- Come to the interview ready to discuss the non-negotiables of the firm and the role
- Have the questions prepared in advance
- Have core questions to ask interviewee about themselves
- Offer a three-month contract position to give both parties the chance to experience working in the firm before going full-time
- Know what resources are needed for the role prior to hiring
- Use SMPS Blueprints to create job descriptions, see career path options and sample interview questions